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June 2018

Business Travel and Leisure

Health, Safety and Visas in Antarctica

For all official information on health, security and visas in Antarctica, as usual, go to diplomatie.gouv . For our part, he was asked to have an entry permit or a visa for Argentina and that’s it. At Port Lockroy you can receive a stamp of Antarctica in your passport!

Do not forget to take a travel insurance that covers this type of trip, especially if you do adventurous activities and insurance that covers repatriation. The cruiser will not let you board anyway if you do not have one. It is important not to go to Antarctica blindly, because by the time the rescue arrives, you will only depend on your own means and that of the boat. Antarctica is a dangerous and hostile territory and it is important to be fully aware of it. Do not forget that the conditions are extreme in Antarctica. It is important to think about the danger of crevasses, the fact that care is basic on site, extreme winds, the power of the sun through the ozone layer and the cold.
I use  Chapka travel insurance for three years, for my world tour, my PVT, my nomadic life, my holidays … It will cover you perfectly for your trip to Antarctica (except for camping, but no insurance covers this) . To purchase insurance, click hereand to discover the insurance comparisons for traveling around the world, it’s here .
Remember to read the Antarctic Visitor Guidelines and follow them.
If you do polar diving, camping or other activities, you may be asked to sign a document. It’s better to be able to swim for a polar dive, even if you’re hanging with a small rope and being aware of health hazards.

Should I be athletic to travel to Antarctica?

It’s not a necessity, but you still have to like walking and getting used to moving. I was not a big sportsman at the time, but I walked every day since the beginning of my world tour, and this for three months before this trip to Antarctica. There were hard times, when I struggled, especially when climbing in the powder, but I persevered, I was at my pace and I managed to go everywhere and to do everything, even overweight !
Some, too tired at the end of the trip, did not make all the outings to take a nap and I think it’s a mess!
Train before you go, walk, contact your doctor if you have a specific health problem, also think that the continent is at altitude and everything will be fine!